Saturday 5 January 2008

In Memoriam

Between 11th November 1995 and 3rd February 1996 he was employed as an invigilator for the British Art Show 4.

On display were three artworks, 10ms-1 and Hysterical by Douglas Gordon and Light Switch by Ceal Floyer.

He and two other invigilators worked a shift pattern.

Each worked a morning shift, then an afternoon shift the next day and had the day after off.

The gallery was open 7 days a week.

At the start of the day the invigilator working the morning shift would switch the gallery lights on.

They would then switch the two video projectors for Gordon’s work and the slide projector for Floyer’s work on.

They then switched the gallery lights off.

At the end of the day the invigilator working the afternoon shift would switch the gallery lights on.

They would then switch the two video projectors and the slide projector off.

Then they would switch the gallery lights off.

Sometimes the invigilators swapped shifts to accommodate other commitments.

On the 17th December 1995 he worked an afternoon shift, followed by the morning shift on the 18th December.

Upon entering the gallery on the 18th he noticed that the gallery lights had been left on.

On the 8th February 2007 he realised that after he had turned Light Switch off he must have left, leaving the gallery lights on.

© Paul Needham 2008

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