Saturday, 2 February 2008

Mike Ferguson will make a by-pass for a section of stream located on the transpennine route; illustration above.

The piece will be documented using photography and will be constructed with objects found on-site (e.g. branches, stones, broken fencing etc). The piece mirrors Ferguson’s work in an exhibition in Leeds entitled Separations, opening on the 30th May, below is his proposal for Separations giving an insight into the similarities.

Further work can be seen at

Mike Ferguson’s Separations Proposal

‘I propose to make a site-specific installation that echoes the fact that the building’s roof has several leaks. I would use a pump and piping system to create an authentic looking leak, dropping from the ceiling. This drip would land onto objects such as car bumpers, old drainpipes and other objects that would be sourced from the wasteland opposite to the venue on Bath Road. The drip would be carefully controlled so that each object would re-direct the flow of the water, creating a journey, in, around and through the fabric of the space.’

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