Sunday 22 June 2008

Welcome to Artranspennine08! taking place from June 13th - August 15th 2008. Artranspennine is a large scale cross-regional exhibition with an array of emerging and established artists working in a variety of disciplines. Artists will be placing work, staging performances and creating interventions at a variety of locations across the transpennine route. To hear about specific times and dates please join our mailing list at or join our Facebook group, for general news click here. We will also be selecting events and artists of the week below to assist in your navigation of the blog, details of each artist’s projects can be found in the link list to the right.

Thanks for visiting; we hope you enjoy the show.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on the opening of ATP08 it looks like an interesting show - How were the artists selected and were you funded for this?

Harfleet & Jack said...

Thank you Jo!

We sent out an e-mail asking a selection of artists to take part, we then asked them to send on the proposal to artists they thought would be interested. We also contacted studio groups and artist networks in each city asking for proposals. We hoped the word would spread virally so we would get submissions from a variety of sources. We recieved over fifty submissions and have been delighted with the high level of the work.

We havn't recieved any funding and have relied on the genorosity of all involved. Wherever possible we have kept costs down by using free
facilities such as this blog.

Anonymous said...

I have had rather a lot of positive feedback via email regarding
the creation of this group, some very enthusiastic. What I would
like to see now is some discussion on the net amongst the various
people interested. In particular we will need to decide on a name
for the group.
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masterofthe said...

It's great that artists once in a while get to gather and meet inspite of each having busy schedule. - tnomeralc design toys -